Coming Soon!


Coming in a few weeks... BITE ME ANOTHER DAY in the HEARTS UNLEASHED anthology.
*Only 99cents*
One kiss and a bite between friends... now there’s all kinds of awkward, which is a big problem for Ivy Martens. Sure, she and Ty Ferro broke a handful of antiquated vampire society rules when he had his teeth in her neck. Bigger issue is her parents affianced her against her will to someone not Ty. Now there’s a bounty hunter paid to bring her to the unwanted fiance. The best person to help her out of this mess is Ty.
Ty wants no one like he wants Ivy, but he slammed on the brakes. He needs her as the friend that helps him handle the darkness his life as a vampire fixer entails. That means not rocking the boat by reenacting the hottest moment of his life, which happened before her parents arranged her to mate someone not him. He must remain cool-headed and detached to keep her alive. But nothing shakes him to his core like her.


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